Expired Refresher Beginners Workshop – Gosport

Monday, September 27, 2021
7:00 pm - 9:15 pm
Get Back Into The Swing With a Beginners Refresher Workshop!
If your SwingJive moves need a bit of practice then our Beginner's Refresher Workshop is perfect for you! This is a stand-alone evening workshop, open to anybody who has started a 10-week Absolute Beginners SwingJive course with us at any time, no matter how long ago!
With a running time of 2 hours 15 minutes, the instructors will have time to run through the key parts of the Absolute Beginners SwingJive course. This workshop would suit you if:
- your Absolute Beginners SwingJive course was interrupted prior to the first lockdown
- you're planning on joining a continuation SwingJive course this term and want a quick brush-up on the basics
- you took our Beginners Course in the past and want to jog your memory without spending 10 weeks learning
This workshop is not suitable for complete beginners who have never started one of our courses before. We recommend that you book the free trial coming up next week.
Check out the course moves for Absolute Beginners SwingJive Here...
Run-Through of the Beginners Course
This workshop evening is a great opportunity for you to get back in the dance hall and practice your moves after the enforced absence. The instructor will cover the contents of the Absolute Beginners 10-week SwingJive course. This will be covered at a tempo that suits those who have enjoyed our classes in the past but whose SwingJive has since lapsed. We also ensure plenty of free practice time to let you add the moves to your existing repertoire.
COVID-safe Classes
Making our classes COVID-safe is a high priority and we have a plan in place to help achieve this. Please check over our plan, by booking we understand that you are happy to go ahead with classes on the basis of the plan. This workshop is available on a first-come-first-serve basis and numbers will be limited in line with our COVID-safe plan.
Standard Terms & Conditions
By booking a workshop we understand that you accept our terms and conditions, which can be viewed on the link below. Terms and conditions cover issues such as payments and refunds, class sizes, arranging dance partners and health and safety.
Book Your Places For This Workshop Now!
10-Week Courses Restarting - Book Now!
Franchise Owner
Venue: Gosport, Bay House School
Any Upcoming Events Will Display Here…
Travel to the Venue
Bay House School is located along Gomer Lane, near the Stokes Bay roundabout. Classes currently take place in the “Beacon Arts Centre” in the New Sports Complex on the opposite side of the road to the original school building.
The closest parking is on the main school site, so most evenings you can park there and head across the road.
When the school car park is full, the public car park, No. 2 Battery East Car Park, on Stokes Bay Road PO12 2QU, is almost as close and free in the evenings.
Finding The Beacon Arts Centre
Once inside the building, walk through the foyer, turn right and walk to the end of the corridor. Once you have reached the end, turn left. The entrance to the Beacon Arts Centre will then be directly ahead of you.