Expired 10wk SwingJive Course Advanced Violet – Farnborough

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Book Advanced Violet SwingJive Course - Farnborough

10wk SwingJive Course Advanced Violet - Farnborough

Monday, September 9, 2024 7:15 pm - Monday, November 11, 2024 8:15 pm

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Book Advanced Violet SwingJive Course – Farnborough

10wk SwingJive Course Advanced Violet – Farnborough

Monday, September 9, 2024 7:15 pm – Monday, November 11, 2024 8:15 pm

Details Price Qty
Super Early Booking – Expires 01/07 £85.00  
Early Booking – Expires 19/08 £90.00   Goes On Sale
Monday, July 1, 2024
Standard Rate £99.00  

Join Us At Wavell School, GU14 6BH – Click For More Venue Details

Early Bird Discount! Expand

Pay for the course before the early booking rate expires to get a discount off the standard rate.

Video Demonstration of Each Week’s Routine! Expand

In Advanced you’ll get exclusive access each week to a video demonstration of the entire routine you just learned. Perfect for sharpening your skills between classes!

Book Early to Secure Your Place! Expand

Your course fee can ONLY be paid from this page.

All courses have a limited number of participants due to hall size, and places are allocated on a first come first served basis.

Courses that don’t achieve minimum numbers by the early booking rate deadline are at risk of being cancelled.

IMG_0520 - couple dancing - SW & NC

When To Join Advanced SwingJive Courses

The Advanced SwingJive level is ideal if you have completed all THREE 10-week Inters Plus SwingJive courses, “Orange”, “Purple” and “Blue” in our series of SwingJive courses.

Dancers with experience that have not been following our courses should only consider this level if they are already comfortable with basic Charleston and the 6-beat rhythm.

The new Advanced level features 3 x 10-week courses containing the most challenging content on our regular courses. Each lesson features a challenging routine containing a new move. You’ll also recap moves learned earlier on the same course and from Intermediate or Inters Plus levels. The remainder of each session is dedicated to freestyle practice, with our team on hand to offer personalised guidance.

Just like at the Inters Plus level, there are three courses and each course contains different content. The three courses rotate during the year, they are colour coded as follows:

  • Violet in the Autumn term every year
  • Teal in the Spring term every year
  • Magenta in the Summer Term every year

That’s right, we’ve had to dig deep in our pencil case to find some more colours!

As these three Advanced level courses are at the same level of difficulty, they can be taken in any order. That is, it doesn’t matter which term of the year you start learning at the Advanced level.

Please book and pay before the first lesson.

Take a Look at the Moves on the Course…

What to Expect from 10-Week Advanced SwingJive Courses

Each Advanced SwingJive Course builds on what you have learned at the lower levels. In particular, the Advanced SwingJive courses use the foundations of basic Charleston and 6-beat rhythm to bring you into the world of lindy hop.

The weekly format will see a routine at the start of the session followed by freestyle practice time. Just like in other courses, we repeat the new move from the previous lesson and a move from an earlier course, alongside the new move of the week. This means you are always enjoying a fresh move while reinforcing content learned in the past.

You will learn the Tandem Charleston, triple steps and the eight-beat rhythm, learning how to apply these appropriately and integrate them with your existing dancing. You’ll be learning core lindy hop moves such as the swing out. You can consider yourself a lindy hopper after having completed your Advanced level courses.

Terms & Conditions

By booking a course we understand that you accept our terms and conditions, which can be viewed on this link. Terms and conditions cover issues such as payments and refunds, class sizes, arranging dance partners, and health and safety.

It also makes clear that our classes are for your enjoyment only, and there are no other permissions, for example, to promote, advertise, sell or gather data for anything, whether for profit or not.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

IMG_0520 - couple dancing - SW & NC

When To Join Advanced SwingJive Courses

The Advanced SwingJive level is ideal if you have completed all THREE 10-week Inters Plus SwingJive courses, "Orange", "Purple" and "Blue" in our series of SwingJive courses.

Dancers with experience that have not been following our courses should only consider this level if they are already comfortable with basic Charleston and the 6-beat rhythm.

The new Advanced level features 3 x 10-week courses containing the most challenging content on our regular courses. Each lesson features a challenging routine containing a new move. You'll also recap moves learned earlier on the same course and from Intermediate or Inters Plus levels. The remainder of each session is dedicated to freestyle practice, with our team on hand to offer personalised guidance.

Just like at the Inters Plus level, there are three courses and each course contains different content. The three courses rotate during the year, they are colour coded as follows:

  • Violet in the Autumn term every year
  • Teal in the Spring term every year
  • Magenta in the Summer Term every year

That's right, we've had to dig deep in our pencil case to find some more colours!

As these three Advanced level courses are at the same level of difficulty, they can be taken in any order. That is, it doesn't matter which term of the year you start learning at the Advanced level.

Please book and pay before the first lesson.

Take a Look at the Moves on the Course...

What to Expect from 10-Week Advanced SwingJive Courses

Each Advanced SwingJive Course builds on what you have learned at the lower levels. In particular, the Advanced SwingJive courses use the foundations of basic Charleston and 6-beat rhythm to bring you into the world of lindy hop.

The weekly format will see a routine at the start of the session followed by freestyle practice time. Just like in other courses, we repeat the new move from the previous lesson and a move from an earlier course, alongside the new move of the week. This means you are always enjoying a fresh move while reinforcing content learned in the past.

You will learn the Tandem Charleston, triple steps and the eight-beat rhythm, learning how to apply these appropriately and integrate them with your existing dancing. You'll be learning core lindy hop moves such as the swing out. You can consider yourself a lindy hopper after having completed your Advanced level courses.

Terms & Conditions

By booking a course we understand that you accept our terms and conditions, which can be viewed on this link. Terms and conditions cover issues such as payments and refunds, class sizes, arranging dance partners, and health and safety.

It also makes clear that our classes are for your enjoyment only, and there are no other permissions, for example, to promote, advertise, sell or gather data for anything, whether for profit or not.

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Expired Retro Rewind at Port Solent

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


Retro Rewind at Port Solent - Saturday 6th July - Free Public Event, Just Turn Up!

Port Solent 1

Dust off your dancing shoes and step back in time at the Port Solent Retro Rewind! This free, one-day spectacular brings the good vibes on Saturday, July 6th.

Join in with classes and dancing: Learn some moves with our fun classes in the afternoon. Join us dancing with live music that keeps the party going until the evening.

Headlining this fantastic event are The Boogie Bumpers - one of the popular bands that perform at the Swing Dance Co Swinging Balls! Check out the schedule below:


Pitchpipers Ladies Choir 11.30-12

Vintage Sweethearts 12.30-1-15 / 1.30-2.15

Swing Dance Company Lesson 2.15-2.45

Original Cool 2.45-3.30

Swing Dance Company Lesson 3.30-4

Original Cool 4-4.45

Swing Dance Company Lesson 4.45-5.15

Boogie Bumpers 5.15-6.45


Fuel your fun: With nearby bars and restaurants, you'll have everything you need for a fantastic day out.

Rewind to a smash hit: The Retro Rewind was a crowd-pleaser in 2019, and we're gearing up for another unforgettable experience! Take a look at this link to see what happened last time!

This is a free public event, organised by the amazing team at Port Solent. For more details about this event please visit their event page on this link. https://www.portsolent.com/events/retro-rewind-event

Port Solent 2

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Expired Dorset Swinging Tea Dance – Sun 30th June

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Franchise Owner

Dorset Swinging Tea Dance

Dorset Swinging Tea Dance - Sun 30th June

Sunday, June 30, 2024 3:15 pm

Book early! Prices increase closer to the event.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Franchise Owner

Dorset Swinging Tea Dance

Dorset Swinging Tea Dance – Sun 30th June

Sunday, June 30, 2024 3:15 pm

Book early! Prices increase closer to the event.

Dorset Swinging Tea Dance

Dorset Swinging Tea Dance – Sun 30th June

Sunday, June 30, 2024 3:15 pm

Book early! Prices increase closer to the event.

Dorset Swinging Tea Dance

Dorset Swinging Tea Dance – Sun 30th June

Sunday, June 30, 2024 3:15 pm

Details Price Qty
Launch Rate £9.00  
April Rate £10.00  
May Rate £11.00   Goes On Sale
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Early Rate (ends 23rd June) £12.00   Goes On Sale
Friday, May 31, 2024
Standard Rate £14.00  

Join Us At Herrison Hall, DT1 2HR – Click For More Venue Details


Swinging Dorset Tea Dance

Join us for a Sunday afternoon tea dance at the wonderful Herrison Hall, also known as Charlton Down Village Hall near Dorchester! Complimentary tea and cakes await you at the dance. Please bring your own teacup or mug to reduce waste.

The venue hosts regular dance classes and events, offering a wonderful ambience.

Chance to Dance and Socialise

This laid-back Sunday afternoon treat is an ideal hang-out for new and existing social dancers, as a practice session or a happy welcome back for lapsed dancers.

We’ll be playing all the popular tunes from our classes so you can practice all you have learned.

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-21 at 07.00.56

Terms & Ticket Cancellation Refund Policy

View full terms and conditions on the link below. This includes Ticket Cancellation Refunds Policy, Event Cancellation, Changes To Advertised Line Up, Aborting Events, and Transfer of Tickets. It also makes clear that a ticket purchase is for your personal enjoyment of the evening and does not provide permission to promote other events or similar. By purchasing a ticket for this event, you accept the terms and conditions detailed on this link.

Details Price Qty
Launch Rate £9.00  
April Rate £10.00  
May Rate £11.00   Goes On Sale
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Early Rate (ends 23rd June) £12.00   Goes On Sale
Friday, May 31, 2024
Standard Rate £14.00  

Join Us At Herrison Hall, DT1 2HR – Click For More Venue Details

Swinging Dorset Tea Dance

Join us for a Sunday afternoon tea dance at the wonderful Herrison Hall, also known as Charlton Down Village Hall near Dorchester! Complimentary tea and cakes await you at the dance. Please bring your own teacup or mug to reduce waste.

The venue hosts regular dance classes and events, offering a wonderful ambience. It’s also nice and airy, so lots of fresh air for this summertime event.

Chance to Dance and Socialise

This laid-back Sunday afternoon treat is an ideal hang-out for new and existing social dancers, as a practice session or a happy welcome back for lapsed dancers.

We’ll be playing all the popular tunes from our classes so you can practice all you have learned.


Fun Warm-Up Class

Get into the swing in a fun 30-minute warm-up class led by Nicki (Dorchester classes) to kick-start the event! Everybody will be welcome to join this class regardless of experience.

Swinging DJ

DJ Colin (Poole classes) will be playing out a wonderful selection of jive and swing music, just perfect to keep the dance floor busy all afternoon.

Tea, Coffee and Cake

If you need a rest from all the dancing then you can sit back and enjoy a nice cup of tea and a slice of cake, all included in the ticket price! Catch up with old friends and make new ones too!

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-21 at 07.00.56

Terms & Ticket Cancellation Refund Policy

View full terms and conditions on the link below. This includes Ticket Cancellation Refunds Policy, Event Cancellation, Changes To Advertised Line Up, Aborting Events, and Transfer of Tickets. It also makes clear that a ticket purchase is for your personal enjoyment of the evening and does not provide permission to promote other events or similar. By purchasing a ticket for this event, you accept the terms and conditions detailed on this link.

Details Price Qty
Launch Rate £9.00  
April Rate £10.00  
May Rate £11.00   Goes On Sale
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Early Rate (ends 23rd June) £12.00   Goes On Sale
Friday, May 31, 2024
Standard Rate £14.00  

Join Us At Herrison Hall, DT1 2HR – Click For More Venue Details

Swinging Dorset Tea Dance

Join us for a Sunday afternoon tea dance at the wonderful Herrison Hall, also known as Charlton Down Village Hall near Dorchester! Complimentary tea and cakes await you at the dance. Please bring your own teacup or mug to reduce waste.

The venue hosts regular dance classes and events, offering a wonderful ambience. It’s also nice and airy, so lots of fresh air for this summertime event.

Chance to Dance and Socialise

This laid-back Sunday afternoon treat is an ideal hang-out for new and existing social dancers, as a practice session or a happy welcome back for lapsed dancers.

We’ll be playing all the popular tunes from our classes so you can practice all you have learned.


Fun Warm-Up Class

Get into the swing in a fun 30-minute warm-up class led by Nicki (Dorchester classes) to kick-start the event! Everybody will be welcome to join this class regardless of experience.

Swinging DJ

DJ Colin (Poole classes) will be playing out a wonderful selection of jive and swing music, just perfect to keep the dance floor busy all afternoon.

Tea, Coffee and Cake

If you need a rest from all the dancing then you can sit back and enjoy a nice cup of tea and a slice of cake, all included in the ticket price! Catch up with old friends and make new ones too!

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-21 at 07.00.56

Terms & Ticket Cancellation Refund Policy

View full terms and conditions on the link below. This includes Ticket Cancellation Refunds Policy, Event Cancellation, Changes To Advertised Line Up, Aborting Events, and Transfer of Tickets. It also makes clear that a ticket purchase is for your personal enjoyment of the evening and does not provide permission to promote other events or similar. By purchasing a ticket for this event, you accept the terms and conditions detailed on this link.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Swinging Dorset Tea Dance

Join us for a Sunday afternoon tea dance at the wonderful Herrison Hall, also known as Charlton Down Village Hall near Dorchester! Complimentary tea and cakes await you at the dance. Please bring your own teacup or mug to reduce waste.

The venue hosts regular dance classes and events, offering a wonderful ambience. It's also nice and airy, so lots of fresh air for this summertime event.

Chance to Dance and Socialise

This laid-back Sunday afternoon treat is an ideal hang-out for new and existing social dancers, as a practice session or a happy welcome back for lapsed dancers.

We'll be playing all the popular tunes from our classes so you can practice all you have learned.


Fun Warm-Up Class

Get into the swing in a fun 30-minute warm-up class led by Nicki (Dorchester classes) to kick-start the event! Everybody will be welcome to join this class regardless of experience.

Swinging DJ

DJ Colin (Poole classes) will be playing out a wonderful selection of jive and swing music, just perfect to keep the dance floor busy all afternoon.

Tea, Coffee and Cake

If you need a rest from all the dancing then you can sit back and enjoy a nice cup of tea and a slice of cake, all included in the ticket price! Catch up with old friends and make new ones too!

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-21 at 07.00.56

Terms & Ticket Cancellation Refund Policy

View full terms and conditions on the link below. This includes Ticket Cancellation Refunds Policy, Event Cancellation, Changes To Advertised Line Up, Aborting Events, and Transfer of Tickets. It also makes clear that a ticket purchase is for your personal enjoyment of the evening and does not provide permission to promote other events or similar.

By purchasing a ticket for this event, you accept the terms and conditions detailed on this link.

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Expired Jazz Strolls Mini-Courses

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Book Jazz Strolls Classes - Havant

Jazz Strolls Mini-Courses

Weekly on Wednesdays, 6.50-7.50pm

3 x 1hr sessions per mini-course

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Book Jazz Strolls Classes – Havant

Jazz Strolls Mini-Courses

Weekly on Wednesdays, 6.50-7.50pm

3 x 1hr sessions per mini-course

Book Jazz Strolls Classes – Havant

Jazz Strolls Mini-Courses

Weekly on Wednesdays, 6.50-7.50pm

3 x 1hr sessions per mini-course

Book Jazz Strolls Classes – Havant

Jazz Strolls Mini-Courses

Weekly on Wednesdays, 6.50-7.50pm

Start 17th April, 24th April, 15th May or 5th June

Book Jazz Strolls Classes – Havant

Jazz Strolls Mini-Courses

Weekly on Wednesdays, 6.50-7.50pm

Start 17th April, 24th April, 15th May or 5th June

Book Jazz Strolls Classes – Havant

Jazz Strolls Mini-Courses

Weekly on Wednesdays, 6.50-7.50pm

Start 17th April, 24th April, 15th May or 5th June

Book Strolls Classes – Havant

Pick’n’Mix Strolls Mini-Courses

Wednesday, April 17, 2024 6:50 pm – Wednesday, June 19, 2024 7:50 pm

Book Strolls Classes – Havant

Pick’n’Mix Strolls Mini-Courses

Wednesday, April 17, 2024 6:50 pm – Wednesday, June 19, 2024 7:50 pm

Details Price Qty
Full Course (17 Apr – 19 June) £85.00  
Short Strolls Combo (17 April) £9.00  
Ooh Aah Charleston (24 Apr – 8 May) £27.00  
Shim Sham (15 – 29 May) £27.00  
Jitterbug Stroll (5 – 19 June) £27.00  
All 3 x 3 Week Mini-Courses (24 Apr-19 June) £76.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Shim Sham & Jitterbug Stroll Mini-Courses (15 May -19 June) £49.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Details Price Qty
Full Course (17 Apr – 19 June) £85.00  
Short Strolls Combo (17 April) £9.00  
Ooh Aah Charleston (24 Apr – 8 May) £27.00  
Shim Sham (15 – 29 May) £27.00  
Jitterbug Stroll (5 – 19 June) £27.00  
All 3 x 3 Week Mini-Courses (24 Apr-19 June) £76.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Shim Sham & Jitterbug Stroll Mini-Courses (15 May -19 June) £49.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Join Us At Warblington School, PO9 2RR – Click For More Venue Details

10 Weeks of Jazz Stroll Routines – Short courses available too!

Want to learn classic jazz strolls? Book the full 10 weeks, or pick and mix your preferred mini-courses, which is perfect if there are routines you don’t need to learn or if you are going to be away during term.

The comprehensive 10-week option is perfect for those who want to learn all the routines on offer! No matter which option you choose, jazz routines help improve your all-around dancing through better timing, balance, co-ordination and movement!

17th April – Short Strolls Compilation

Want a Taste of Several Simpler Solo Strolls? Join our one-evening workshop on April 17th and learn three iconic routines:

  • Rock’n’Roll Stroll (Revival Day): Probably the most commonly danced solo routine.
  • Charleston Stroll (King of the Swingers): Master the playful spirit of the Charleston era with this simple, yet fun routine.
  • New York Stroll (Candyman): Add a swagger to your dance repertoire with this classic stroll.

The pace of the class should allow us to teach all three routines, no previous dance experience is required to learn them. Take a peek at the routines, check out our video here…

24th April – 8th May – Ooh Aah Charleston Stroll

Unleash Your Inner Flapper! – 3-Week Mini-Course Learn the “Put A Lid On It” Charleston Routine created by world-famous dancer Sing Lim! This perfectly adorable 1920s routine is packed with classic Charleston moves guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Why Choose This Course?

  • Globally-Renowned Choreography: Master a fun and playful routine designed by dance star Sing Lim from Singapore.
  • Learn at Your Own Pace: This 3-week mini-course allows you to break down the routine step-by-step.
  • Proven Popularity: Our demonstration video of this routine has over 28,000 views, making it one of our most popular demonstrations!

This course is perfect for anyone who wants to:

  • Learn a classic Charleston routine in a manageable format.
  • Add some fun and energy to their dance repertoire.
  • Experience the joy of the 1920s flapper style.

Ready to Charleston like a star? Sign up today!

15th – 29th May – The Shim Sham

Master the Shim Sham: The Iconic Jazz Stroll Routine from the original Swing Dance era! (3-Week Course) This 3-week mini-course will teach you the legendary Shim Sham routine, danced by all the jazz and lindy hop greats. More than just steps, it’s a piece of swing history you can make your own! Why Choose This Course?

  • Become Part of Swing Legacy: Master the Shim Sham, a dance enjoyed by swing icons for generations.
  • Quick Learning: This 3-week format makes learning this iconic routine manageable.
  • Unleash Your Inner Swinger: Add some playful swing moves to your dance vocabulary and elevate your swing dancing.

This course is perfect for:

  • Swing Dance Enthusiasts: Take your swing dancing to the next level with this classic routine.
  • Dance History Buffs: Immerse yourself in a historical dance form and learn a legendary routine.
  • Anyone Who Loves to Move: Add some fun and energy to your dance repertoire with this playful swing classic.

Ready to join the Shim Sham legacy? Enroll today!

5th – 19th June – Jitterbug Stroll

Learn Ryan Francois’ Signature Jitterbug Routine! (3-Week Course) Move like a Swing Legend! Channel your inner Jitterbug with this dynamic routine choreographed by world-famous UK dancer, Ryan Francois, for the iconic Jitterbugs Club in London. This is one of our favourites, and it could be yours too! Our 3-week mini-course will break down the routine step-by-step, making it accessible for dancers of all levels. Why Choose This Course?

  • Master Ryan Francois’ Choreography: Learn a unique and dynamic routine from a renowned swing dancer.
  • Fun & Energetic: This playful routine is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and enhance your swing dancing.
  • Accessible Learning: Our 3-week format makes learning this exciting routine manageable.

This course is perfect for:

  • Swing Dance Enthusiasts: Expand your swing repertoire with a fresh and exciting routine.
  • Fans of Ryan Francois: Learn directly from a swing star and master his signature moves.
  • Anyone Who Loves to Dance: Add some high-energy swing moves to your dance vocabulary and have a blast!

Ready to become a Jitterbug star? Enroll today!

Details Price Qty
Full Course (17 Apr – 19 June) £85.00  
Short Strolls Combo (17 April) £9.00  
Ooh Aah Charleston (24 Apr – 8 May) £27.00  
Shim Sham (15 – 29 May) £27.00  
Jitterbug Stroll (5 – 19 June) £27.00  
All 3 x 3 Week Mini-Courses (24 Apr-19 June) £76.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Shim Sham & Jitterbug Stroll Mini-Courses (15 May -19 June) £49.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Join Us At Warblington School, PO9 2RR – Click For More Venue Details

10 Weeks of Jazz Stroll Routines – Short courses available too!

Want to learn classic jazz strolls? Book the full 10 weeks, or pick and mix your preferred mini-courses, which is perfect if there are routines you don’t need to learn or if you are going to be away during term.

The comprehensive 10-week option is perfect for those who want to learn all the routines on offer! No matter which option you choose, jazz routines help improve your all-around dancing through better timing, balance, co-ordination and movement!

17th April – Short Strolls Compilation

Want a Taste of Several Simpler Solo Strolls? Join our one-evening workshop on April 17th and learn three iconic routines:

  • Rock’n’Roll Stroll (Revival Day): Probably the most commonly danced solo routine.
  • Charleston Stroll (King of the Swingers): Master the playful spirit of the Charleston era with this simple, yet fun routine.
  • New York Stroll (Candyman): Add a swagger to your dance repertoire with this classic stroll.

The pace of the class should allow us to teach all three routines, no previous dance experience is required to learn them. Take a peek at the routines, check out our video here…

24th April – 8th May – Ooh Aah Charleston Stroll

Unleash Your Inner Flapper! – 3-Week Mini-Course Learn the “Put A Lid On It” Charleston Routine created by world-famous dancer Sing Lim! This perfectly adorable 1920s routine is packed with classic Charleston moves guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Why Choose This Course?

  • Globally-Renowned Choreography: Master a fun and playful routine designed by dance star Sing Lim from Singapore.
  • Learn at Your Own Pace: This 3-week mini-course allows you to break down the routine step-by-step.
  • Proven Popularity: Our demonstration video of this routine has over 28,000 views, making it one of our most popular demonstrations!

This course is perfect for anyone who wants to:

  • Learn a classic Charleston routine in a manageable format.
  • Add some fun and energy to their dance repertoire.
  • Experience the joy of the 1920s flapper style.

Ready to Charleston like a star? Sign up today!

15th – 29th May – The Shim Sham

Master the Shim Sham: The Iconic Jazz Stroll Routine from the original Swing Dance era! (3-Week Course) This 3-week mini-course will teach you the legendary Shim Sham routine, danced by all the jazz and lindy hop greats. More than just steps, it’s a piece of swing history you can make your own! Why Choose This Course?

  • Become Part of Swing Legacy: Master the Shim Sham, a dance enjoyed by swing icons for generations.
  • Quick Learning: This 3-week format makes learning this iconic routine manageable.
  • Unleash Your Inner Swinger: Add some playful swing moves to your dance vocabulary and elevate your swing dancing.

This course is perfect for:

  • Swing Dance Enthusiasts: Take your swing dancing to the next level with this classic routine.
  • Dance History Buffs: Immerse yourself in a historical dance form and learn a legendary routine.
  • Anyone Who Loves to Move: Add some fun and energy to your dance repertoire with this playful swing classic.

Ready to join the Shim Sham legacy? Enroll today!

5th – 19th June – Jitterbug Stroll

Learn Ryan Francois’ Signature Jitterbug Routine! (3-Week Course) Move like a Swing Legend! Channel your inner Jitterbug with this dynamic routine choreographed by world-famous UK dancer, Ryan Francois, for the iconic Jitterbugs Club in London. This is one of our favourites, and it could be yours too! Our 3-week mini-course will break down the routine step-by-step, making it accessible for dancers of all levels. Why Choose This Course?

  • Master Ryan Francois’ Choreography: Learn a unique and dynamic routine from a renowned swing dancer.
  • Fun & Energetic: This playful routine is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and enhance your swing dancing.
  • Accessible Learning: Our 3-week format makes learning this exciting routine manageable.

This course is perfect for:

  • Swing Dance Enthusiasts: Expand your swing repertoire with a fresh and exciting routine.
  • Fans of Ryan Francois: Learn directly from a swing star and master his signature moves.
  • Anyone Who Loves to Dance: Add some high-energy swing moves to your dance vocabulary and have a blast!

Ready to become a Jitterbug star? Enroll today!

Details Price Qty
Full Course (17 Apr – 19 June) £85.00  
Short Strolls Combo (17 April) £9.00  
Ooh Aah Charleston (24 Apr – 8 May) £27.00  
Shim Sham (15 – 29 May) £27.00  
Jitterbug Stroll (5 – 19 June) £27.00  
All 3 x 3 Week Mini-Courses (24 Apr-19 June) £76.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Shim Sham & Jitterbug Stroll Mini-Courses (15 May -19 June) £49.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Join Us At Warblington School, PO9 2RR – Click For More Venue Details

10 Weeks of Jazz Stroll Routines – Short courses available too!

Want to learn classic jazz strolls? Book the full 10 weeks, or pick and mix your preferred mini-courses, which is perfect if there are routines you don’t need to learn or if you are going to be away during term.

The comprehensive 10-week option is perfect for those who want to learn all the routines on offer! No matter which option you choose, jazz routines help improve your all-around dancing through better timing, balance, co-ordination and movement!

17th April – Short Strolls Compilation

Want a Taste of Several Simpler Solo Strolls? Join our one-evening workshop on April 17th and learn three iconic routines:

  • Rock’n’Roll Stroll (Revival Day): Probably the most commonly danced solo routine.
  • Charleston Stroll (King of the Swingers): Master the playful spirit of the Charleston era with this simple, yet fun routine.
  • New York Stroll (Candyman): Add a swagger to your dance repertoire with this classic stroll.

The pace of the class should allow us to teach all three routines, no previous dance experience is required to learn them. Take a peek at the routines, check out our video here…

24th April – 8th May – Ooh Aah Charleston Stroll

Unleash Your Inner Flapper! – 3-Week Mini-Course Learn the “Put A Lid On It” Charleston Routine created by world-famous dancer Sing Lim! This perfectly adorable 1920s routine is packed with classic Charleston moves guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Why Choose This Course?

  • Globally-Renowned Choreography: Master a fun and playful routine designed by dance star Sing Lim from Singapore.
  • Learn at Your Own Pace: This 3-week mini-course allows you to break down the routine step-by-step.
  • Proven Popularity: Our demonstration video of this routine has over 28,000 views, making it one of our most popular demonstrations!

This course is perfect for anyone who wants to:

  • Learn a classic Charleston routine in a manageable format.
  • Add some fun and energy to their dance repertoire.
  • Experience the joy of the 1920s flapper style.

Ready to Charleston like a star? Sign up today!

15th – 29th May – The Shim Sham

Master the Shim Sham: The Iconic Jazz Stroll Routine from the original Swing Dance era! (3-Week Course) This 3-week mini-course will teach you the legendary Shim Sham routine, danced by all the jazz and lindy hop greats. More than just steps, it’s a piece of swing history you can make your own! Why Choose This Course?

  • Become Part of Swing Legacy: Master the Shim Sham, a dance enjoyed by swing icons for generations.
  • Quick Learning: This 3-week format makes learning this iconic routine manageable.
  • Unleash Your Inner Swinger: Add some playful swing moves to your dance vocabulary and elevate your swing dancing.

This course is perfect for:

  • Swing Dance Enthusiasts: Take your swing dancing to the next level with this classic routine.
  • Dance History Buffs: Immerse yourself in a historical dance form and learn a legendary routine.
  • Anyone Who Loves to Move: Add some fun and energy to your dance repertoire with this playful swing classic.

Ready to join the Shim Sham legacy? Enroll today!

5th – 19th June – Jitterbug Stroll

Learn Ryan Francois’ Signature Jitterbug Routine! (3-Week Course) Move like a Swing Legend! Channel your inner Jitterbug with this dynamic routine choreographed by world-famous UK dancer, Ryan Francois, for the iconic Jitterbugs Club in London. This is one of our favourites, and it could be yours too! Our 3-week mini-course will break down the routine step-by-step, making it accessible for dancers of all levels. Why Choose This Course?

  • Master Ryan Francois’ Choreography: Learn a unique and dynamic routine from a renowned swing dancer.
  • Fun & Energetic: This playful routine is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and enhance your swing dancing.
  • Accessible Learning: Our 3-week format makes learning this exciting routine manageable.

This course is perfect for:

  • Swing Dance Enthusiasts: Expand your swing repertoire with a fresh and exciting routine.
  • Fans of Ryan Francois: Master an awesome routine choreographed by this global swing dance star.
  • Anyone Who Loves to Dance: Add some high-energy swing moves to your dance vocabulary and have a blast!

Ready to become a Jitterbug star? Enroll today!

Details Price Qty
Ooh Aah Charleston (24 Apr – 8 May) £27.00  
Shim Sham (15 – 29 May) £27.00  
Jitterbug Stroll (5 – 19 June) £27.00  
All 3 x 3 Week Mini-Courses (24 Apr-19 June) £76.00  
Shim Sham & Jitterbug Stroll Mini-Courses (15 May -19 June) £49.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Join Us At Warblington School, PO9 2RR – Click For More Venue Details

Jazz Stroll Routines – Short courses available!

Want to learn classic jazz strolls? Book the full 10 weeks, or pick and mix your preferred mini-courses, which is perfect if there are routines you don’t need to learn or if you are going to be away during term.

The comprehensive 10-week option is perfect for those who want to learn all the routines on offer! No matter which option you choose, jazz routines help improve your all-around dancing through better timing, balance, co-ordination and movement!

24th April – 8th May – Ooh Aah Charleston Stroll

Unleash Your Inner Flapper! – 3-Week Mini-Course Learn the “Put A Lid On It” Charleston Routine created by world-famous dancer Sing Lim! This perfectly adorable 1920s routine is packed with classic Charleston moves guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Why Choose This Course?

  • Globally-Renowned Choreography: Master a fun and playful routine designed by dance star Sing Lim from Singapore.
  • Learn at Your Own Pace: This 3-week mini-course allows you to break down the routine step-by-step.
  • Proven Popularity: Our demonstration video of this routine has over 28,000 views, making it one of our most popular demonstrations!

This course is perfect for anyone who wants to:

  • Learn a classic Charleston routine in a manageable format.
  • Add some fun and energy to their dance repertoire.
  • Experience the joy of the 1920s flapper style.

Ready to Charleston like a star? Sign up today!

15th – 29th May – The Shim Sham

Master the Shim Sham: The Iconic Jazz Stroll Routine from the original Swing Dance era! (3-Week Course) This 3-week mini-course will teach you the legendary Shim Sham routine, danced by all the jazz and lindy hop greats. More than just steps, it’s a piece of swing history you can make your own! Why Choose This Course?

  • Become Part of Swing Legacy: Master the Shim Sham, a dance enjoyed by swing icons for generations.
  • Quick Learning: This 3-week format makes learning this iconic routine manageable.
  • Unleash Your Inner Swinger: Add some playful swing moves to your dance vocabulary and elevate your swing dancing.

This course is perfect for:

  • Swing Dance Enthusiasts: Take your swing dancing to the next level with this classic routine.
  • Dance History Buffs: Immerse yourself in a historical dance form and learn a legendary routine.
  • Anyone Who Loves to Move: Add some fun and energy to your dance repertoire with this playful swing classic.

Ready to join the Shim Sham legacy? Enroll today!

5th – 19th June – Jitterbug Stroll

Learn Ryan Francois’ Signature Jitterbug Routine! (3-Week Course) Move like a Swing Legend! Channel your inner Jitterbug with this dynamic routine choreographed by world-famous UK dancer, Ryan Francois, for the iconic Jitterbugs Club in London. This is one of our favourites, and it could be yours too! Our 3-week mini-course will break down the routine step-by-step, making it accessible for dancers of all levels. Why Choose This Course?

  • Master Ryan Francois’ Choreography: Learn a unique and dynamic routine from a renowned swing dancer.
  • Fun & Energetic: This playful routine is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and enhance your swing dancing.
  • Accessible Learning: Our 3-week format makes learning this exciting routine manageable.

This course is perfect for:

  • Swing Dance Enthusiasts: Expand your swing repertoire with a fresh and exciting routine.
  • Fans of Ryan Francois: Master an awesome routine choreographed by this global swing dance star.
  • Anyone Who Loves to Dance: Add some high-energy swing moves to your dance vocabulary and have a blast!

Ready to become a Jitterbug star? Enroll today!

Shim Sham (15 – 29 May) £27.00  
Jitterbug Stroll (5 – 19 June) £27.00  
Both Mini-Courses (15 May -19 June) £49.00  

Join Us At Warblington School, PO9 2RR – Click For More Venue Details

15th – 29th May – The Shim Sham

Master the Shim Sham: The Iconic Jazz Stroll Routine from the original Swing Dance era! (3-Week Course)
This 3-week mini-course will teach you the legendary Shim Sham routine, danced by all the jazz and lindy hop greats. More than just steps, it’s a piece of swing history you can make your own!
Why Choose This Course?

  • Become Part of Swing Legacy: Master the Shim Sham, a dance enjoyed by swing icons for generations.
  • Quick Learning: This 3-week format makes learning this iconic routine manageable.
  • Unleash Your Inner Swinger: Add some playful swing moves to your dance vocabulary and elevate your swing dancing.

This course is perfect for:

  • Swing Dance Enthusiasts: Take your swing dancing to the next level with this classic routine.
  • Dance History Buffs: Immerse yourself in a historical dance form and learn a legendary routine.
  • Anyone Who Loves to Move: Add some fun and energy to your dance repertoire with this playful swing classic.

Ready to join the Shim Sham legacy? Enroll today!

5th – 19th June – Jitterbug Stroll

Learn Ryan Francois’ Signature Jitterbug Routine! (3-Week Course)
Move like a Swing Legend! Channel your inner Jitterbug with this dynamic routine choreographed by world-famous UK dancer, Ryan Francois, for the iconic Jitterbugs Club in London.
This is one of our favourites, and it could be yours too! Our 3-week mini-course will break down the routine step-by-step, making it accessible for dancers of all levels.
Why Choose This Course?

  • Master Ryan Francois’ Choreography: Learn a unique and dynamic routine from a renowned swing dancer.
  • Fun & Energetic: This playful routine is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and enhance your swing dancing.
  • Accessible Learning: Our 3-week format makes learning this exciting routine manageable.

This course is perfect for:

  • Swing Dance Enthusiasts: Expand your swing repertoire with a fresh and exciting routine.
  • Fans of Ryan Francois: Master an awesome routine choreographed by this global swing dance star.
  • Anyone Who Loves to Dance: Add some high-energy swing moves to your dance vocabulary and have a blast!

Ready to become a Jitterbug star? Enroll today!

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Join Us At Warblington School, PO9 2RR – Click For More Venue Details

15th – 29th May – The Shim Sham

Master the Shim Sham: The Iconic Jazz Stroll Routine from the original Swing Dance era! (3-Week Course)
This 3-week mini-course will teach you the legendary Shim Sham routine, danced by all the jazz and lindy hop greats. More than just steps, it’s a piece of swing history you can make your own!
Why Choose This Course?

  • Become Part of Swing Legacy: Master the Shim Sham, a dance enjoyed by swing icons for generations.
  • Quick Learning: This 3-week format makes learning this iconic routine manageable.
  • Unleash Your Inner Swinger: Add some playful swing moves to your dance vocabulary and elevate your swing dancing.

This course is perfect for:

  • Swing Dance Enthusiasts: Take your swing dancing to the next level with this classic routine.
  • Dance History Buffs: Immerse yourself in a historical dance form and learn a legendary routine.
  • Anyone Who Loves to Move: Add some fun and energy to your dance repertoire with this playful swing classic.

Ready to join the Shim Sham legacy? Enroll today!

5th – 19th June – Jitterbug Stroll

Learn Ryan Francois’ Signature Jitterbug Routine! (3-Week Course)
Move like a Swing Legend! Channel your inner Jitterbug with this dynamic routine choreographed by world-famous UK dancer, Ryan Francois, for the iconic Jitterbugs Club in London.
This is one of our favourites, and it could be yours too! Our 3-week mini-course will break down the routine step-by-step, making it accessible for dancers of all levels.
Why Choose This Course?

  • Master Ryan Francois’ Choreography: Learn a unique and dynamic routine from a renowned swing dancer.
  • Fun & Energetic: This playful routine is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and enhance your swing dancing.
  • Accessible Learning: Our 3-week format makes learning this exciting routine manageable.

This course is perfect for:

  • Swing Dance Enthusiasts: Expand your swing repertoire with a fresh and exciting routine.
  • Fans of Ryan Francois: Master an awesome routine choreographed by this global swing dance star.
  • Anyone Who Loves to Dance: Add some high-energy swing moves to your dance vocabulary and have a blast!

Ready to become a Jitterbug star? Enroll today!

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

15th - 29th May - The Shim Sham

Master the Shim Sham: The Iconic Jazz Stroll Routine from the original Swing Dance era! (3-Week Course)

This 3-week mini-course will teach you the legendary Shim Sham routine, danced by all the jazz and lindy hop greats. More than just steps, it's a piece of swing history you can make your own!

Why Choose This Course?

  • Become Part of Swing Legacy: Master the Shim Sham, a dance enjoyed by swing icons for generations.
  • Quick Learning: This 3-week format makes learning this iconic routine manageable.
  • Unleash Your Inner Swinger: Add some playful swing moves to your dance vocabulary and elevate your swing dancing.

This course is perfect for:

  • Swing Dance Enthusiasts: Take your swing dancing to the next level with this classic routine.
  • Dance History Buffs: Immerse yourself in a historical dance form and learn a legendary routine.
  • Anyone Who Loves to Move: Add some fun and energy to your dance repertoire with this playful swing classic.

Ready to join the Shim Sham legacy? Enroll today!

5th - 19th June - Jitterbug Stroll

Learn Ryan Francois' Signature Jitterbug Routine! (3-Week Course)

Move like a Swing Legend! Channel your inner Jitterbug with this dynamic routine choreographed by world-famous UK dancer, Ryan Francois, for the iconic Jitterbugs Club in London.

This is one of our favourites, and it could be yours too! Our 3-week mini-course will break down the routine step-by-step, making it accessible for dancers of all levels.

Why Choose This Course?

  • Master Ryan Francois' Choreography: Learn a unique and dynamic routine from a renowned swing dancer.
  • Fun & Energetic: This playful routine is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and enhance your swing dancing.
  • Accessible Learning: Our 3-week format makes learning this exciting routine manageable.

This course is perfect for:

  • Swing Dance Enthusiasts: Expand your swing repertoire with a fresh and exciting routine.
  • Fans of Ryan Francois: Master an awesome routine choreographed by this global swing dance star.
  • Anyone Who Loves to Dance: Add some high-energy swing moves to your dance vocabulary and have a blast!

Ready to become a Jitterbug star? Enroll today!

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Expired 10wk SwingJive Course Advanced Magenta – Romsey

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


Franchise Owner

Book Advanced Magenta SwingJive Course - Romsey

10wk SwingJive Course Advanced Magenta - Romsey

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 7:10 pm - Tuesday, June 18, 2024 8:10 pm

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


Franchise Owner

Book Advanced Magenta SwingJive Course – Romsey

10wk SwingJive Course Advanced Magenta – Romsey

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 7:10 pm – Tuesday, June 18, 2024 8:10 pm

Early Booking – Expires 26/03 £85.00  
Standard Rate £95.00  

Join Us At Romsey School, SO51 8ZB – Click For More Venue Details

Early Bird Discount!

Pay for the course before the early booking rate expires to get a discount off the standard rate.

Video Demonstration of Each Week’s Routine!

In Advanced you’ll get exclusive access each week to a video demonstration of the entire routine you just learned. Perfect for sharpening your skills between classes!

Book Early to Secure Your Place!

Your course fee can ONLY be paid from this page.

All courses have a limited number of participants due to hall size, and places are allocated on a first come first served basis.

Courses that don’t achieve minimum numbers by the early booking rate deadline are at risk of being cancelled.

IMG_0520 - couple dancing - SW & NC

When To Join Advanced SwingJive Courses

The Advanced SwingJive level is ideal if you have completed all THREE 10-week Inters Plus SwingJive courses, “Orange”, “Purple” and “Blue” in our series of SwingJive courses.

Dancers with experience that have not been following our courses should only consider this level if they are already comfortable with basic Charleston and the 6-beat rhythm.

The new Advanced level features 3 x 10-week courses containing the most challenging content on our regular courses. Each lesson features a challenging routine containing a new move. You’ll also recap moves learned earlier on the same course and from Intermediate or Inters Plus levels. The remainder of each session is dedicated to freestyle practice, with our team on hand to offer personalised guidance.

Just like at the Inters Plus level, there are three courses and each course contains different content. The three courses rotate during the year, they are colour coded as follows:

  • Violet in the Autumn term every year
  • Teal in the Spring term every year
  • Magenta in the Summer Term every year

That’s right, we’ve had to dig deep in our pencil case to find some more colours!

As these three Advanced level courses are at the same level of difficulty, they can be taken in any order. That is, it doesn’t matter which term of the year you start learning at the Advanced level.

Please book and pay before the first lesson.

Take a Look at the Moves on the Course…

What to Expect from 10-Week Advanced SwingJive Courses

Each Advanced SwingJive Course builds on what you have learned at the lower levels. In particular, the Advanced SwingJive courses use the foundations of basic Charleston and 6-beat rhythm to bring you into the world of lindy hop.

The weekly format will see a routine at the start of the session followed by freestyle practice time. Just like in other courses, we repeat the new move from the previous lesson and a move from an earlier course, alongside the new move of the week. This means you are always enjoying a fresh move while reinforcing content learned in the past.

You will learn the Tandem Charleston, triple steps and the eight-beat rhythm, learning how to apply these appropriately and integrate them with your existing dancing. You’ll be learning core lindy hop moves such as the swing out. You can consider yourself a lindy hopper after having completed your Advanced level courses.

Terms & Conditions

By booking a course we understand that you accept our terms and conditions, which can be viewed on this link. Terms and conditions cover issues such as payments and refunds, class sizes, arranging dance partners, and health and safety.

It also makes clear that our classes are for your enjoyment only, and there are no other permissions, for example, to promote, advertise, sell or gather data for anything, whether for profit or not.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

IMG_0520 - couple dancing - SW & NC

When To Join Advanced SwingJive Courses

The Advanced SwingJive level is ideal if you have completed all THREE 10-week Inters Plus SwingJive courses, "Orange", "Purple" and "Blue" in our series of SwingJive courses.

Dancers with experience that have not been following our courses should only consider this level if they are already comfortable with basic Charleston and the 6-beat rhythm.

The new Advanced level features 3 x 10-week courses containing the most challenging content on our regular courses. Each lesson features a challenging routine containing a new move. You'll also recap moves learned earlier on the same course and from Intermediate or Inters Plus levels. The remainder of each session is dedicated to freestyle practice, with our team on hand to offer personalised guidance.

Just like at the Inters Plus level, there are three courses and each course contains different content. The three courses rotate during the year, they are colour coded as follows:

  • Violet in the Autumn term every year
  • Teal in the Spring term every year
  • Magenta in the Summer Term every year

That's right, we've had to dig deep in our pencil case to find some more colours!

As these three Advanced level courses are at the same level of difficulty, they can be taken in any order. That is, it doesn't matter which term of the year you start learning at the Advanced level.

Please book and pay before the first lesson.

Take a Look at the Moves on the Course...

What to Expect from 10-Week Advanced SwingJive Courses

Each Advanced SwingJive Course builds on what you have learned at the lower levels. In particular, the Advanced SwingJive courses use the foundations of basic Charleston and 6-beat rhythm to bring you into the world of lindy hop.

The weekly format will see a routine at the start of the session followed by freestyle practice time. Just like in other courses, we repeat the new move from the previous lesson and a move from an earlier course, alongside the new move of the week. This means you are always enjoying a fresh move while reinforcing content learned in the past.

You will learn the Tandem Charleston, triple steps and the eight-beat rhythm, learning how to apply these appropriately and integrate them with your existing dancing. You'll be learning core lindy hop moves such as the swing out. You can consider yourself a lindy hopper after having completed your Advanced level courses.

Terms & Conditions

By booking a course we understand that you accept our terms and conditions, which can be viewed on this link. Terms and conditions cover issues such as payments and refunds, class sizes, arranging dance partners, and health and safety.

It also makes clear that our classes are for your enjoyment only, and there are no other permissions, for example, to promote, advertise, sell or gather data for anything, whether for profit or not.

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Expired Shim Sham Workshop in Farnham

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Shim Sham workshop in Farnham!

Join Bob and his team for an immersive two-and-a-half-hour workshop, introducing you to the infectious energy of the Shim Sham stroll. Experience the heart of classic jazz dance at All Hallows School in picturesque Farnham.

The Shim Sham stroll, a timeless emblem of the jazz era, originated as a captivating ensemble routine for tap dancers in various shows during the 1930s. Its evolution into a cherished favourite among dancers in vibrant nightclubs solidified its place in dance history. Renowned lindy hopper Frankie Manning, a luminary of the original era, ensured the Shim Sham's legacy lived on by imparting its magic to subsequent generations of dancers during the swing revival in the 1980s and 90s. Today, swing enthusiasts consider mastering the Shim Sham a rite of passage.

Furthermore, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to prepare for the upcoming Mytchett Tea Dance. Showcase your newfound skills and join the joyous celebration of swing dance with fellow enthusiasts. Don't miss your chance to be part of this exhilarating journey through jazz history. Reserve your spot today and get ready to shimmy, shuffle, and strut like never before!

The Shim Sham is most frequently danced to one of several songs. These include Jimmie Lunceford version of Tain't What You Do (It's The Way That You Do It) or the Erskine Hawkins version of Tuxedo Junction from the original Big Band era. More recently, Bill Elliott Swing Orchestra created The Shim Sham Song which is designed around the routine!

Terms & Ticket Cancellation Refund Policy

View full terms and conditions on the link below. This includes Ticket Cancellation Refunds Policy, Event Cancellation, Changes To Advertised Line Up, Aborting Events, and Transfer of Tickets. It also makes clear that a ticket purchase is for your personal enjoyment of the evening and does not provide permission to promote other events or similar.

By purchasing a ticket for this event, you accept the terms and conditions detailed on this link.

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