Upcoming Absolute Beginners SwingJive with Partner Rotation – Havant

Absolute Beginners Swing Jive

Book Absolute Beginners SwingJive with Partner Rotation - Havant

Absolute Beginners SwingJive with Partner Rotation - Havant

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 6:45 pm - Wednesday, December 11, 2024 7:45 pm

Want a free trial? Book here! Return here to pay for the course after the trial at the early rate.*

We're sorry, but all ticket sales have ended.
  • Lesson 4
     Wednesday, October 30, 2024
     6:45 pm - 7:45 pm
  • Lesson 5
     Wednesday, November 6, 2024
     6:45 pm - 7:45 pm
  • Lesson 6
     Wednesday, November 13, 2024
     6:45 pm - 7:45 pm
  • Lesson 7
     Wednesday, November 20, 2024
     6:45 pm - 7:45 pm
  • Lesson 8
     Wednesday, November 27, 2024
     6:45 pm - 7:45 pm
  • Lesson 9
     Wednesday, December 4, 2024
     6:45 pm - 7:45 pm
  • Lesson 10
     Wednesday, December 11, 2024
     6:45 pm - 7:45 pm

Book Absolute Beginners SwingJive with Partner Rotation – Havant

Absolute Beginners SwingJive with Partner Rotation – Havant

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 7:50 pm – Wednesday, December 11, 2024 8:50 pm

Want a free trial? Book here! Return here to pay for the course after the trial at the early rate.*

Book Absolute Beginners SwingJive with Partner Rotation – Havant

Absolute Beginners SwingJive with Partner Rotation – Havant

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 7:50 pm – Wednesday, December 11, 2024 8:50 pm

Want a free trial? Book here! Return here to pay for the course after the trial at the early rate.*

Details Price Qty
Open: Free Trial (Wk1) £0.00  
Leader: Free Trial (Wk1) £0.00  
Follower: Free Trial (Wk1) £0.00  
Open: Course Fee (Wk1-10) Early Rate* £85.00  
Leader: Course Fee (Wk1-10) Early Rate* £85.00  
Follower: Course Fee (Wk1-10) Early Rate* £85.00  
Open: Course Fee After Trial (Early Rate*) £85.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Leader: Course Fee After Trial (Early Rate*) £85.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Follower: Course Fee After Trial (Early Rate*) £85.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Open: Course Fee (Standard Rate) £99.00  
Leader: Course Fee (Standard Rate) £99.00   Goes On Sale
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Follower: Course Fee (Standard Rate) £99.00   Goes On Sale
Thursday, October 10, 2024

Join Us At Warblington School, PO9 2RR – Click For More Venue Details

Discount When You Book On Free Trial Night! Expand

Book the full course in advance or on the evening directly after your free trial (up to midnight) to enjoy a discount off the standard rate.

The standard rate applies to all bookings completed from the day after your free trial.

Complimentary 12-Month Access to Online Course, Anywhere, Anytime! Expand

As a valued participant in our paid courses, you’ll receive exclusive free access to the complete online course. This means you can conveniently catch up on lessons and indulge in extra practice at your own pace, no matter where you are!

Explore our online school by clicking on the images below:

On Your Own, With Friends! Expand

This course is designed to be sociable! Featuring partner rotation throughout, you can book on your own, with a partner or with friends.


If you’re here then you’ve heard about our amazing Absolute Beginners Swing Jive Course, including a free trial class. Look through the content below to find out what to expect.

Key Details…

Try Before You Buy

Book a free trial for the first week of the course, then return here to pay your course fee after the lesson.

Discount For Booking Directly After Your Free Trial

Pay for the course by midnight on the evening of the Week 1 Free Trial date to get a discount off the course fee, compared to the standard rate. Prices are shown in the ticket selector.

…Or Book The Full Course In Advance

If you don’t need a free trial, you can book and pay before the first lesson at the same discounted rate.

See What’s Coming Up On The Free Trial SwingJive Lesson…

Whether you attend one of our venue-based classes, or trial online, you should be able to dance the following moves by the end of our free trial class:

Leader & Follower Roles

In partner dance styles, every duo consists of two roles working together: the leader and the follower. For a visual illustration, watch the video above, where Brooke (on the left) leads, while Debbie (on the right) follows:

Tickets & Lead/Follow Roles

  • A similar number of leaders and followers make the class enjoyable for everybody.
  • To keep Lead/Follow roles evenly distributed, “Follower” tickets are only offered when there are enough leaders, and vice-versa.
  • “Open” tickets are always available, where you might be requested to lead or follow, contributing to a balanced class experience.

Swing Dance Party Fun Dancing helps us be happier and healthier!

Find Out More Below!

Have Fun, Get Active, Be Sociable!

The Absolute Beginners SwingJive Course is designed for you if you have never done any jive or swing dance before. In fact, most new starters have never done any kind of dance class at all. These courses are a perfect starting point for a weekly adult, evening partner dance class and they lead into an exciting, fun and sociable new world.

See What Others Had To Say…


“Hi, Just wanted to say how much my husband and I enjoyed our first dance session last night and what a fun night we had and to thank you.”  Angela, Farnham


“Bob and Bridgette are very good and patient teachers. They made the course fun and gave lots of encouragement. We thought the method of teaching, concentrating on and perfecting one move at a time, worked.”  Anita & Mike, Farnborough


“The best thing I ever did was to learn to swing jive, I just love it. Thank you for all the great courses, keep up the good work.” Denise, Fareham

Book Your Free Trial Space in Advance

Simply book your spaces on our free trial class at the class that suits you best. Our system will send a registration email to confirm the venue, date and time details – please check your spam filter if these don’t arrive in your inbox within an hour of booking.

You can book this course with or without a dance partner. On the ‘Partner Rotation’ courses, teachers will organise the room so that dancers rotate partners at regular intervals for participants, which makes it a great opportunity to socialise. Partner rotation courses are open to any number of participants.

Although we may offer “lead” or “follow” tickets that specify your role, anybody booking an “open” ticket could be asked to dance either role.

Want to stay with your dance partner throughout? You can also lookout for our ‘Fixed Partner’ courses, where you book with your partner and stay with them for the duration of the course.

volunteer dancing

Open To All Adult Ages and Levels of Fitness

As long as you can walk and you are 18 or over you should be able to take part. The beauty of this style of dancing is that you can push yourself to whatever energy level you are comfortable with. Dancing is a great form of exercise, you’ll be having so much fun that you won’t notice all those calories you are burning!

Click Here to Find Your Nearest Free Trial Class Location!

Who Typically Attends Venue-Based Classes?

Our ‘Partner Rotation’ classes are perfect for anyone who wants to experience the joy of dance, regardless of who you come with. Whether you’re flying solo, or bringing a group of friends, you can still join the fun!

Solo Participants: Meet new people in a supportive environment.

Groups: Bond with your friends and family while learning a new skill together.

Couples (who want to dance with others): Share a hobby and meet new people.

Isle of Wight Festival Team

Limited Spaces at Venue-Based Classes… or Learn Online!

Venue-based learning is supported by free access to the same online course, which is pre-recorded and available on-demand. If venue-based learning doesn’t suit you, then join our online school to learn exactly the same content anywhere in the world!

Click Here For An On-Demand Online Free Trial

Advanced Violet

Get a Head Start!

If you would like to get a head start before attending a trial, you can take our online free trial, which contains the same content, or even book a private lesson first before your trial class, either in-person or online!

Click Here to Book Your Free Trial Class in a Local Venue!

Paying For The Course

Most people pay for the full course directly at the end of the beginners’ trial session. Enjoy a discounted price if you pay on or before the night of your trial. If you wait until the following day or week the full price is charged.

If you are committed to joining the course regardless of the free trial on the first week you can pay in advance via the relevant course booking page. Payment secures your place on the course.

Can’t Make The Free Trial?

As location-based courses run over a set 10-week period, the free trial evening is one specific date each term for each beginner’s course. If you are unable to attend that date then other options could be open to you:

  • Free trials may be offered for the 2nd or 3rd week. Tickets would only be made available after the previous week’s lesson, and subject to availability.
  • Take an online, on-demand free trial – simply click on this link and take a trial on-demand. You’ll still be able to book and pay the course fee for classes at your local venue. Make sure you return back to THIS PAGE to book for your local venue, as paying for the online-only course won’t register you at a local venue.
  • Book the course without taking a free trial – use the “Course Fee” ticket option when booking your preferred course
  • Wait for a future course – click here to join our mailing list for notifications

Joining Late

After the free trial, you’ll need to pay the course fee before attending again. You can pay to join late and catch up with our online course, but the standard course fee at your venue applies regardless of how many sessions you attend in total. We recommend that you take our online free trial if you miss the free trial at your local venue.

What To Expect…

What to Expect on Free Trial Day

Arrive just before the advertised start time for your lesson so the teachers can greet you. Groups are typically between 12 and 30 people, everybody is an absolute beginner so everybody will be experiencing similar nerves and excitement. Once it’s time to start we do a gentle warm-up and teach a couple of simple moves which you can dance on a loop. Before the end of the session, the teachers will demonstrate all the moves coming up on the course.


See What You Can Learn on The Full 10-Week Course…

Building Your Abilities Week-By-Week

The Absolute Beginners SwingJive Course continues on the same day, time, and place for 9 further one-hour sessions after the free trial week. The course builds week by week, recapping the move from the previous lesson as part of the standard format, and drawing on moves from earlier in the term as you start to build sequences.

For this reason, we don’t want any participants to get left behind, so we are looking for people who can commit to attending most weeks (or can catch up via online learning). This ensures a higher quality learning experience for the whole group. For this reason, we only accept payment for the full course. Most customers understand the benefit of attending every week and pre-payment is a great incentive.

Each evening we run 2 or 3 x 1-hour classes. There is normally a 15-minute handover between classes. During this interval, (either before or after your lesson) we will leave music running, you are welcome to practice and chat with the team.

You’ll Love The Music

You’ll recognise most of the music we play. At the beginner level, we use big songs from big artists of the swing and rock’n’roll eras of the 1940s, 50s and 60s.

As you progress to higher levels we’ll introduce you to more amazing music for dancing, some you may not have heard before! This includes original music from current jive, swing and rock’n’roll bands and less well-known retro music too.

Check out some of the typical music we use on this Spotify playlist below!

Beyond Absolute Beginners

Once you’ve completed the Absolute Beginner SwingJive Course, you’ll be able to follow on to the natural continuation course, either Intermediate Yellow or Intermediate Green, which can be taken in either order.

Swingeasy, our weekly PAYG class and dance format, is a great sociable alternative too.

Beyond these courses, you can find new challenges via workshops and mini-courses, and have fun at our live band events. Swinging Balls are open to all. Our celebrated Swinging Balls have been running for over 20 years. They have built a splendid reputation, attracting the UK’s finest jive and swing bands along with huge attendances.


Terms & Conditions

By booking a course we understand that you accept our terms and conditions, which can be viewed on this link. Terms and conditions cover issues such as payments and refunds, class sizes, arranging dance partners, and health and safety.

It also makes clear that our classes are for your enjoyment only, and there are no other permissions, for example, to promote, advertise, sell or gather data for anything, whether for profit or not.

Details Price Qty
Free Trial (Wk1) £0.00  
Leader: Course Fee (Wk1-10) Early Rate* £85.00  
Follower: Course Fee (Wk1-10) Early Rate* £85.00  
We Pick Your Role: Course Fee (Wk1-10) Early Rate* £75.00  
Leader: Course Fee After Trial (Early Rate*) £85.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Follower: Course Fee After Trial (Early Rate*) £85.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
We Pick Your Role: Course Fee After Trial (Early Rate*) £75.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Leader: Course Fee (Standard Rate) £99.00   Goes On Sale
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Follower: Course Fee (Standard Rate) £99.00   Goes On Sale
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Course Fee (Standard Rate) £99.00  
We Pick Your Role: Course Fee £89.00   Goes On Sale
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Join Us At Warblington School, PO9 2RR – Click For More Venue Details

Discount When You Book On Free Trial Night! Expand

Book the full course in advance or on the evening directly after your free trial (up to midnight) to enjoy a discount off the standard rate.

The standard rate applies to all bookings completed from the day after your free trial.

Complimentary 12-Month Access to Online Course, Anywhere, Anytime! Expand

As a valued participant in our paid courses, you’ll receive exclusive free access to the complete online course. This means you can conveniently catch up on lessons and indulge in extra practice at your own pace, no matter where you are!

Explore our online school by clicking on the images below:

On Your Own, With Friends! Expand

This course is designed to be sociable! Featuring partner rotation throughout, you can book on your own, with a partner or with friends.


If you’re here then you’ve heard about our amazing Absolute Beginners Swing Jive Course, including a free trial class. Look through the content below to find out what to expect.

Key Details…

Try Before You Buy

Book a free trial for the first week of the course, then return here to pay your course fee after the lesson.

Discount For Booking Directly After Your Free Trial

Pay for the course by midnight on the evening of the Week 1 Free Trial date to get a discount off the course fee, compared to the standard rate. Prices are shown in the ticket selector.

…Or Book The Full Course In Advance

If you don’t need a free trial, you can book and pay before the first lesson at the same discounted rate.

See What’s Coming Up On The Free Trial SwingJive Lesson…

Whether you attend one of our venue-based classes, or trial online, you should be able to dance the following moves by the end of our free trial class:

Leader & Follower Roles

In partner dance styles, every duo consists of two roles working together: the leader and the follower. For a visual illustration, watch the video above, where Brooke (on the left) leads, while Debbie (on the right) follows:

Tickets & Lead/Follow Roles

  • A similar number of leaders and followers make the class enjoyable for everybody.
  • To keep Lead/Follow roles evenly distributed, “Follower” tickets are only offered when there are enough leaders, and vice-versa.
  • “Open” tickets are always available, where you might be requested to lead or follow, contributing to a balanced class experience.

Swing Dance Party Fun Dancing helps us be happier and healthier!

Find Out More Below!

Have Fun, Get Active, Be Sociable!

The Absolute Beginners SwingJive Course is designed for you if you have never done any jive or swing dance before. In fact, most new starters have never done any kind of dance class at all. These courses are a perfect starting point for a weekly adult, evening partner dance class and they lead into an exciting, fun and sociable new world.

See What Others Had To Say…


“Hi, Just wanted to say how much my husband and I enjoyed our first dance session last night and what a fun night we had and to thank you.”  Angela, Farnham


“Bob and Bridgette are very good and patient teachers. They made the course fun and gave lots of encouragement. We thought the method of teaching, concentrating on and perfecting one move at a time, worked.”  Anita & Mike, Farnborough


“The best thing I ever did was to learn to swing jive, I just love it. Thank you for all the great courses, keep up the good work.” Denise, Fareham

Book Your Free Trial Space in Advance

Simply book your spaces on our free trial class at the class that suits you best. Our system will send a registration email to confirm the venue, date and time details – please check your spam filter if these don’t arrive in your inbox within an hour of booking.

You can book this course with or without a dance partner. On the ‘Partner Rotation’ courses, teachers will organise the room so that dancers rotate partners at regular intervals for participants, which makes it a great opportunity to socialise. Partner rotation courses are open to any number of participants.

Although we may offer “lead” or “follow” tickets that specify your role, anybody booking an “open” ticket could be asked to dance either role.

Want to stay with your dance partner throughout? You can also lookout for our ‘Fixed Partner’ courses, where you book with your partner and stay with them for the duration of the course.

volunteer dancing

Open To All Adult Ages and Levels of Fitness

As long as you can walk and you are 18 or over you should be able to take part. The beauty of this style of dancing is that you can push yourself to whatever energy level you are comfortable with. Dancing is a great form of exercise, you’ll be having so much fun that you won’t notice all those calories you are burning!

Click Here to Find Your Nearest Free Trial Class Location!

Who Typically Attends Venue-Based Classes?

Our ‘Partner Rotation’ classes are perfect for anyone who wants to experience the joy of dance, regardless of who you come with. Whether you’re flying solo, or bringing a group of friends, you can still join the fun!

Solo Participants: Meet new people in a supportive environment.

Groups: Bond with your friends and family while learning a new skill together.

Couples (who want to dance with others): Share a hobby and meet new people.

Isle of Wight Festival Team

Limited Spaces at Venue-Based Classes… or Learn Online!

Venue-based learning is supported by free access to the same online course, which is pre-recorded and available on-demand. If venue-based learning doesn’t suit you, then join our online school to learn exactly the same content anywhere in the world!

Click Here For An On-Demand Online Free Trial

Advanced Violet

Get a Head Start!

If you would like to get a head start before attending a trial, you can take our online free trial, which contains the same content, or even book a private lesson first before your trial class, either in-person or online!

Click Here to Book Your Free Trial Class in a Local Venue!

Paying For The Course

Most people pay for the full course directly at the end of the beginners’ trial session. Enjoy a discounted price if you pay on or before the night of your trial. If you wait until the following day or week the full price is charged.

If you are committed to joining the course regardless of the free trial on the first week you can pay in advance via the relevant course booking page. Payment secures your place on the course.

Can’t Make The Free Trial?

As location-based courses run over a set 10-week period, the free trial evening is one specific date each term for each beginner’s course. If you are unable to attend that date then other options could be open to you:

  • Free trials may be offered for the 2nd or 3rd week. Tickets would only be made available after the previous week’s lesson, and subject to availability.
  • Take an online, on-demand free trial – simply click on this link and take a trial on-demand. You’ll still be able to book and pay the course fee for classes at your local venue. Make sure you return back to THIS PAGE to book for your local venue, as paying for the online-only course won’t register you at a local venue.
  • Book the course without taking a free trial – use the “Course Fee” ticket option when booking your preferred course
  • Wait for a future course – click here to join our mailing list for notifications

Joining Late

After the free trial, you’ll need to pay the course fee before attending again. You can pay to join late and catch up with our online course, but the standard course fee at your venue applies regardless of how many sessions you attend in total. We recommend that you take our online free trial if you miss the free trial at your local venue.

What To Expect…

What to Expect on Free Trial Day

Arrive just before the advertised start time for your lesson so the teachers can greet you. Groups are typically between 12 and 30 people, everybody is an absolute beginner so everybody will be experiencing similar nerves and excitement. Once it’s time to start we do a gentle warm-up and teach a couple of simple moves which you can dance on a loop. Before the end of the session, the teachers will demonstrate all the moves coming up on the course.


See What You Can Learn on The Full 10-Week Course…

Building Your Abilities Week-By-Week

The Absolute Beginners SwingJive Course continues on the same day, time, and place for 9 further one-hour sessions after the free trial week. The course builds week by week, recapping the move from the previous lesson as part of the standard format, and drawing on moves from earlier in the term as you start to build sequences.

For this reason, we don’t want any participants to get left behind, so we are looking for people who can commit to attending most weeks (or can catch up via online learning). This ensures a higher quality learning experience for the whole group. For this reason, we only accept payment for the full course. Most customers understand the benefit of attending every week and pre-payment is a great incentive.

Each evening we run 2 or 3 x 1-hour classes. There is normally a 15-minute handover between classes. During this interval, (either before or after your lesson) we will leave music running, you are welcome to practice and chat with the team.

You’ll Love The Music

You’ll recognise most of the music we play. At the beginner level, we use big songs from big artists of the swing and rock’n’roll eras of the 1940s, 50s and 60s.

As you progress to higher levels we’ll introduce you to more amazing music for dancing, some you may not have heard before! This includes original music from current jive, swing and rock’n’roll bands and less well-known retro music too.

Check out some of the typical music we use on this Spotify playlist below!

Beyond Absolute Beginners

Once you’ve completed the Absolute Beginner SwingJive Course, you’ll be able to follow on to the natural continuation course, either Intermediate Yellow or Intermediate Green, which can be taken in either order.

Swingeasy, our weekly PAYG class and dance format, is a great sociable alternative too.

Beyond these courses, you can find new challenges via workshops and mini-courses, and have fun at our live band events. Swinging Balls are open to all. Our celebrated Swinging Balls have been running for over 20 years. They have built a splendid reputation, attracting the UK’s finest jive and swing bands along with huge attendances.


Terms & Conditions

By booking a course we understand that you accept our terms and conditions, which can be viewed on this link. Terms and conditions cover issues such as payments and refunds, class sizes, arranging dance partners, and health and safety.

It also makes clear that our classes are for your enjoyment only, and there are no other permissions, for example, to promote, advertise, sell or gather data for anything, whether for profit or not.



Southleigh Road, Havant, Hampshire, PO9 2RR, United Kingdom


Havant, Warblington School

Any Events At This Venue Will Display Here…

Event Date
Absolute Beginners SwingJive Course - Havant (fixed partner)
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024 6:45 pm
Booking & Info
Absolute Beginners SwingJive with Partner Rotation - Havant
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024 6:45 pm
Booking & Info
10wk SwingJive Course Inters Plus Orange - Havant
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024 7:50 pm
Booking & Info

Join us in the Main Hall at Warblington School, Warblington, near Havant for regular SwingJive courses and related events.

Access & Parking

Finding The School

Access the school site via Southleigh Road.


Follow the driveway in front of the main entrance, spaces are available along this driveway and in a car park to the rear.

Access the Main Hall via Reception

Follow signs to the main reception and enter the building. Once in reception, the Main Hall is the first door on the right.

what3words address: ///hush.dive.lost

We're sorry, but all ticket sales have ended.


If you're here then you've heard about our amazing Absolute Beginners Swing Jive Course, including a free trial class. Look through the content below to find out what to expect.

Key Details...

Try Before You Buy

Book a free trial for the first week of the course, then return here to pay your course fee after the lesson.

Discount For Booking Directly After Your Free Trial

Pay for the course by midnight on the evening of the Week 1 Free Trial date to get a discount off the course fee, compared to the standard rate. Prices are shown in the ticket selector.

...Or Book The Full Course In Advance

If you don't need a free trial, you can book and pay before the first lesson at the same discounted rate.

See What's Coming Up On The Free Trial SwingJive Lesson...

Whether you attend one of our venue-based classes, or trial online, you should be able to dance the following moves by the end of our free trial class:

Leader & Follower Roles

In partner dance styles, every duo consists of two roles working together: the leader and the follower. For a visual illustration, watch the video above, where Brooke (on the left) leads, while Debbie (on the right) follows:

Tickets & Lead/Follow Roles

  • A similar number of leaders and followers make the class enjoyable for everybody.
  • To keep Lead/Follow roles evenly distributed, "Follower" tickets are only offered when there are enough leaders, and vice-versa.
  • "Open" tickets are always available, where you might be requested to lead or follow, contributing to a balanced class experience.
Swing Dance Party Fun
Dancing helps us be happier and healthier!

Find Out More Below!

Have Fun, Get Active, Be Sociable!

The Absolute Beginners SwingJive Course is designed for you if you have never done any jive or swing dance before. In fact, most new starters have never done any kind of dance class at all. These courses are a perfect starting point for a weekly adult, evening partner dance class and they lead into an exciting, fun and sociable new world.

See What Others Had To Say...


"Hi, Just wanted to say how much my husband and I enjoyed our first dance session last night and what a fun night we had and to thank you."  Angela, Farnham


"Bob and Bridgette are very good and patient teachers. They made the course fun and gave lots of encouragement. We thought the method of teaching, concentrating on and perfecting one move at a time, worked."  Anita & Mike, Farnborough


"The best thing I ever did was to learn to swing jive, I just love it. Thank you for all the great courses, keep up the good work." Denise, Fareham

Book Your Free Trial Space in Advance

Simply book your spaces on our free trial class at the class that suits you best. Our system will send a registration email to confirm the venue, date and time details - please check your spam filter if these don't arrive in your inbox within an hour of booking.

You can book this course with or without a dance partner. On the 'Partner Rotation' courses, teachers will organise the room so that dancers rotate partners at regular intervals for participants, which makes it a great opportunity to socialise. Partner rotation courses are open to any number of participants.

Although we may offer "lead" or "follow" tickets that specify your role, anybody booking an "open" ticket could be asked to dance either role.

Want to stay with your dance partner throughout? You can also lookout for our 'Fixed Partner' courses, where you book with your partner and stay with them for the duration of the course.

volunteer dancing

Open To All Adult Ages and Levels of Fitness

As long as you can walk and you are 18 or over you should be able to take part. The beauty of this style of dancing is that you can push yourself to whatever energy level you are comfortable with. Dancing is a great form of exercise, you'll be having so much fun that you won't notice all those calories you are burning!

Click Here to Find Your Nearest Free Trial Class Location!

Who Typically Attends Venue-Based Classes?

Our 'Partner Rotation' classes are perfect for anyone who wants to experience the joy of dance, regardless of who you come with. Whether you're flying solo, or bringing a group of friends, you can still join the fun!

Solo Participants: Meet new people in a supportive environment.

Groups: Bond with your friends and family while learning a new skill together.

Couples (who want to dance with others): Share a hobby and meet new people.

Isle of Wight Festival Team

Limited Spaces at Venue-Based Classes... or Learn Online!

Venue-based learning is supported by free access to the same online course, which is pre-recorded and available on-demand. If venue-based learning doesn't suit you, then join our online school to learn exactly the same content anywhere in the world!

Click Here For An On-Demand Online Free Trial

Advanced Violet

Get a Head Start!

If you would like to get a head start before attending a trial, you can take our online free trial, which contains the same content, or even book a private lesson first before your trial class, either in-person or online!

Click Here to Book Your Free Trial Class in a Local Venue!

Paying For The Course

Most people pay for the full course directly at the end of the beginners' trial session. Enjoy a discounted price if you pay on or before the night of your trial. If you wait until the following day or week the full price is charged.

If you are committed to joining the course regardless of the free trial on the first week you can pay in advance via the relevant course booking page. Payment secures your place on the course.

Can't Make The Free Trial?

As location-based courses run over a set 10-week period, the free trial evening is one specific date each term for each beginner's course. If you are unable to attend that date then other options could be open to you:

  • Free trials may be offered for the 2nd or 3rd week. Tickets would only be made available after the previous week's lesson, and subject to availability.
  • Take an online, on-demand free trialsimply click on this link and take a trial on-demand. You'll still be able to book and pay the course fee for classes at your local venue. Make sure you return back to THIS PAGE to book for your local venue, as paying for the online-only course won't register you at a local venue.
  • Book the course without taking a free trial - use the "Course Fee" ticket option when booking your preferred course
  • Wait for a future courseclick here to join our mailing list for notifications

Joining Late

After the free trial, you'll need to pay the course fee before attending again. You can pay to join late and catch up with our online course, but the standard course fee at your venue applies regardless of how many sessions you attend in total. We recommend that you take our online free trial if you miss the free trial at your local venue.

What To Expect...

What to Expect on Free Trial Day

Arrive just before the advertised start time for your lesson so the teachers can greet you. Groups are typically between 12 and 30 people, everybody is an absolute beginner so everybody will be experiencing similar nerves and excitement. Once it's time to start we do a gentle warm-up and teach a couple of simple moves which you can dance on a loop. Before the end of the session, the teachers will demonstrate all the moves coming up on the course.


See What You Can Learn on The Full 10-Week Course...

Building Your Abilities Week-By-Week

The Absolute Beginners SwingJive Course continues on the same day, time, and place for 9 further one-hour sessions after the free trial week. The course builds week by week, recapping the move from the previous lesson as part of the standard format, and drawing on moves from earlier in the term as you start to build sequences.

For this reason, we don't want any participants to get left behind, so we are looking for people who can commit to attending most weeks (or can catch up via online learning). This ensures a higher quality learning experience for the whole group. For this reason, we only accept payment for the full course. Most customers understand the benefit of attending every week and pre-payment is a great incentive.

Each evening we run 2 or 3 x 1-hour classes. There is normally a 15-minute handover between classes. During this interval, (either before or after your lesson) we will leave music running, you are welcome to practice and chat with the team.

You'll Love The Music

You'll recognise most of the music we play. At the beginner level, we use big songs from big artists of the swing and rock'n'roll eras of the 1940s, 50s and 60s.

As you progress to higher levels we'll introduce you to more amazing music for dancing, some you may not have heard before! This includes original music from current jive, swing and rock'n'roll bands and less well-known retro music too.

Check out some of the typical music we use on this Spotify playlist below!

Beyond Absolute Beginners

Once you've completed the Absolute Beginner SwingJive Course, you'll be able to follow on to the natural continuation course, either Intermediate Yellow or Intermediate Green, which can be taken in either order.

Swingeasy, our weekly PAYG class and dance format, is a great sociable alternative too.

Beyond these courses, you can find new challenges via workshops and mini-courses, and have fun at our live band events. Swinging Balls are open to all. Our celebrated Swinging Balls have been running for over 20 years. They have built a splendid reputation, attracting the UK's finest jive and swing bands along with huge attendances.


Terms & Conditions

By booking a course we understand that you accept our terms and conditions, which can be viewed on this link. Terms and conditions cover issues such as payments and refunds, class sizes, arranging dance partners, and health and safety.

It also makes clear that our classes are for your enjoyment only, and there are no other permissions, for example, to promote, advertise, sell or gather data for anything, whether for profit or not.