Miss Amy Baker at Swingeasy Chichester

SWINGEASY  CHICHESTER runs every Monday evening! 8th October is a Swingeasy Special featuring Miss Amy Baker. Whilst Swingeasy is normally “pay-on-the-door” we recommend booking in advance for this one-off. Miss Amy Baker is a talented, professional Jazz and Swing singer who is going places fast! Recognised by the Jive Aces, she has toured with them throughout…

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Fareham Social Club


Swingeasy, Class, Steve and Yvonne

Any Events At This Venue Will Display Here...


Swingeasy Weekly

In Progress

Travel to the Venue

Fareham Social Club is situated along Mill Road, which is ONLY accessible from the Redlands Lane end. You can't access Mill Road directly off the A32 southbound, please find your way onto Redlands Lane. The turning for Mill Road is halfway along, near the railway bridge. Fareham Social Club is along Mill Road on the left-hand side. Enter the first driveway, directly before the building, and follow the driveway alongside the building to arrive at a large car park at the rear.

Finding The Hall

Enter through the Main Entrance of the front of the building. We use the Main Function room, which is through the door to the right at the rear of the entrance.

The venue has stipulated that nobody should be using the fire exit in the function room unless there is an emergency, so please respect this requirement.

Other Venue Details

There is a bar in the venue.

what3words address: ///vowing.condense.insist


Mill Road, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 0TN, United Kingdom
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