Advanced Level SwingJive

"Advanced" Level Swing Jive Courses are Equivalent to "Beginners Plus" Level Lindy Hop

As well as being a natural progression for dancers who have completed our Inters Plus SwingJive level, we welcome dancers who are at the fledgling stage of learning lindy hop. Before joining any of the 3x10 week Advanced SwingJive level courses, you should either:

Advanced Magenta

These courses start after Easter each year

Event Date
Advanced Magenta - Fareham (10wk Course)
  • Wednesday, April 23, 2025 7:15 pm
Booking & Info
Advanced Magenta - Farnborough (10wk Course)
  • Monday, April 28, 2025 7:15 pm
Booking & Info

  • Tables of upcoming and/or current Advanced 10-Week SwingJive courses are detailed above.
  • We'll notify potential participants via email when next term's bookings open. Please join our mailing list and select the relevant options if you'd like updates.
  • Click the "Booking & Info" link in the final column to go to the course booking page.

Courses in Progress...

Any courses listed below have already started. We only accept new starters on the first or second week of courses at local venues so it's too late to join this term. You can join an online course straight away via our online school, or join our mailing list to find out about next term's courses.

Advanced Teal

These courses start in January each year

Event Date
10wk SwingJive Course Advanced Teal - Farnborough
  • Monday, January 13, 2025 7:15 pm
In Progress
10wk SwingJive Course Advanced Teal - Fareham
  • Wednesday, January 22, 2025 7:15 pm
In Progress

Please check out the course demo video below...

Advanced Violet

These courses start in Autumn each year

What To Expect From 10-Week Advanced SwingJive Courses

Each Advanced SwingJive Course builds on what you have learned at the lower levels. In particular, the Advanced SwingJive courses use the foundations of basic Charleston and 6-beat rhythm to bring you into the world of lindy hop.

The weekly format will see a routine at the start of the session followed by freestyle practice time. Just like in other courses, we repeat the new move from the previous lesson and a move from an earlier course, alongside the new move of the week. This means you are always enjoying a fresh move while reinforcing content learned in the past.

You will learn the Tandem Charleston, triple steps and the eight-beat rhythm, learning how to apply these appropriately and integrate them with your existing dancing. 

Different Content on Three Advanced SwingJive Courses

Just like at the Inters Plus level, there are three courses and each course contains different content. The three courses rotate during the year, they are colour-coded as follows:

  • Violet in the Autumn term every year
  • Teal in the Spring term every year
  • Magenta in the Summer Term every year

That's right, we've had to dig deep in our pencil case to find some more colours!

As these three Advanced level courses are at the same level of difficulty, they can be taken in any order. That is, it doesn't matter which term of the year you start learning at the Advanced level.