We believe that social partner dancing gives people healthier, happier lives

The mental and physical health benefits of getting active, creating and building relationships and learning a skill can be profound. The benefits of learning a social partner dance are so powerful that we think it should be available on prescription.


This is why we run The Swing Dance Company and we continue to reach out to as many people who share our view as possible.
The best starting point is to join our unique and popular series of 10-week SwingJive courses, starting with a free trial for an Absolute Beginners SwingJive Course. This 10-week course is the perfect introduction to social partner dancing and it leads to a carefully designed pathway of 10-week continuation courses that will keep you dancing for the weeks, months and years ahead. You can join a community that enjoys social partner dancing focussed events and classes.

The Swing Dance Company Team 2018

The Swing Dance Company Team

The Swing Dance Company has built a reputation for its high quality of teaching, and for carefully balancing our professional approach with throwing the most fun parties. Whether we're adding an extra dimension to your event, or you are joining us at one of our evenings, you will make some very special memories.


Our famous Swinging Balls run several times each year. Generally, they are timed to fit as an end of term party for participants on our courses, but attendance is not limited and everybody is welcome to attend. Always featuring amazing live music from the finest swing and rhythm'n'blues bands from the UK plus fun themes, these events sell out fast!


Our services are also available for hire. We know how to run events, we can organise, promote, dance, teach, DJ, create ambience, arrange party people, we're licence holders too if you need a bar! Our skills have been used in feature films and at festivals so if you are looking for dancers, dance teachers, DJs or operational or promotional support for your event please have a look at the pages in the Book Us! section and then get in touch with us for a quote.


Or if you are looking for a night out with a fun-loving and friendly crowd, our team of staff and students at any of the events detailed on the event calendar would love to see you.