Expired Free Recap Workshops and Social Dancing – Horsham

Sunday, September 2, 2018
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Debbie, Nigel and the Horsham team are hosting a pre-term Sunday afternoon session at Tanbridge House School, Horsham. Although this is a free session, spaces are limited so please book early.
Everybody who pre-books a free space is welcome regardless of experience or ability, however this session is primarily aimed at those who have participated on any SwingJive course with The Swing Dance Company. Lapsed attendees are welcome, it doesn’t matter how long ago you danced with us!
It’s also an opportunity for any other dancers interested in joining our classes to meet the teachers and gain an insight into the level of difficulty of our courses.
Anybody interested in joining “Absolute Beginners” in the future is welcome to attend, but this is not our typical free trial for a 10 week course. The next Absolute Beginners Free Trial at this venue can be found on this link.
The format will include several “recap” tuition sessions mixed with music and dancing. Soft drinks will also be available, if this session is well received we may consider a Horsham tea dance in the future!
The sessions will recap moves from Beginners, Intermediate Green and Yellow as well as last term’s Inters Plus. The time dedicated to each will depend on demand from participants, but easier level content towards the start of the session and the higher level content towards the end.
We’ll invite all current and past dancers, so a chance for old friends from the Horsham courses over the last couple of years to relive some wonderful moments, dancers from other venues are also welcome.
Venue: Horsham, Tanbridge House School