Course dates for Jan to April 2020 term are displayed on this page. Please note that all details, including dates, days, times, locations, instructors and class levels could still be changed.

This info provided is displayed in good faith based on our current expectations. Please do not make important arrangements based on this information, we accept no liability for any consequential losses should we make changes.

This grid provides a handy guide to our provisional plans for the term at each venue.

Course Dates Jan to April 2020

Guaranteed to Learn Everything on the Course

When you join a course with The Swing Dance Company, we want to be sure you learn all the material that we advertise on our courses. This is why we're pleased to offer catch-up classes. However if you reach the end of term and you are not absolutely happy that you have learnt all the material on the relevant course then please get in touch.

We'll be happy to arrange attendance on classes in future courses at the same level until you feel completely satisfied. This offer is subject to availability of the appropriate course.

Course Dates Announced

Plans for each term are announced shortly after half term of the previous course. We aim to run courses that allow our existing dancers to continue onto the next level on the same day, time, venue and with the same instructor. This is not always possible but we always try our best!

Head to our Contact Form and send us a message if you have any queries!
